
Neurodivergent describes people whose brains work differently than those whose brains work more typically. Neurodivergent folx may have different strengths and challenges as compared to neurotypical folx. Some conditions that are most common amongst those who describe themselves as neurodivergent include autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, Tourette’s syndrome, OCD, bipolar personality disorder, borderline, and more. You deserve a therapist who honors and centers your neurodivergence in their approach to working with you.

  • A lit up brain with only the multicolored neural connections visible.

    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

    Autism is characterized by differences in social communication as compared to neurotypical people, hyperfixations, repetitive behaviors, such as stimming, which help self-soothe. Autistic people often appreciate routines, rules, and patterns more so than neurotypical people. Autistic people may also experience sensory information more intensely than neurotypical people.

  • Outline of a brain and its folds in white neon-like light.

    Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

    ADHD is characterized by differences in executive functioning as compared to neurotypical people, hyperactivity or restlessness, and impulsivity. People with ADHD are easily pulled in by thoughts they find interesting or extraneous stimuli. People with ADHD are often able to hyper focus on things they enjoy, be incredibly creative, offer unique perspectives, and have abundant amounts of energy.

When you meet one person with Autism, you’ve met one person with autism.

—Dr. Stephen Shore

Neurodiversity symbol: multicolor rainbow infinity sign.

Affirming Resources for Neurodivergence

Neuroclastic - The Autistic Spectrum According to Autistic People

ADDitude Magazine - Inside the ADHD Mind

@Neurowonderful & Bolde - The 5 Neurodivergent Love Languages and What They Mean

Neuroqueer: An Introduction to Theory - Neuroqueer

Black Autistic Lives Matter - Black Autistic Voices

International OCD Foundation - Created by People with OCD

National Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder

DBT: Dialectical Behavior Therapy - Core Skills